Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The Benefits of Marine Essence

Salam and 안녕

Penyakit kulit memamg snagat ditakuti oleh semua orang teruatama sekali wanita. Yelah, kulit semua orang boleh tengok especially muka. Body cun melecun tapi muka penuh dengan jerawat pon x best juga kn? Dah le jerawat bangak, bila jerawat dah kering, parut-parut jerawat pulak kacau. Huuu... Kan dah kurang jumlah duit hantaran. Hehehe...

Tak pon, muka dah elok jaga semua. Putih licin bak telur yang baru dikupas (ewah), TAPI.... bila tengok badan... speechless. Dengan tengkuk hitam, ketiak berkarat, celah kaki lebam, siku dan lutut tak sama warna dengan anggota lain... Terus hilang selera pasangan nak tengok. Silap-silap nanti ada yang cari lain. Hehehe... Ni bukan untuk perempuan je, lelaki pon sama juga. Huuu...

So macam mana nak hilang semua nie??? 

Haa... senang je. Dengan Marine Essence Beauty Bar la jawapan nye... 

Sejak kebelakangan ini, Marine Essence bagai dilanda TSUNAMI. Jualan dari luar jangkaan, demand melebihi supply, uols!!! 

Hebat bukan??? All this because Marine Essence Beauty Bar

It so good to be true, I didn't know until I tried it. It works magically! 

I'm a fan of those Korean products like Etude House, The Face Shop and so on..

Forget about those high end brand , maybe cuma wangi sahaja... but fungsi takde sangat. It didn't work with my skin. T_T

Marine Essence specially formulated with Glycerin, Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera , Pu-erh Tea, Liqourice Extract, Bamboo Salt and Vitamin E

With the price of RM105 for 3 bars is worth every penny!

It is suitable for EVERYBODY! Especially those with problematic skins, eczema, pimples, panau, jeragat... etc. 

Get your Smooth and Soft Skin with just 1 Beauty Bar!!!



Dark Underarms... (eww...)

Tengkuk hitam...


My endless stocks... 
Yesterday I went to the stockist to restock my Marine Essence stocks. Hehehe... 

Other than that you still need to use soap to cleans right?

Why not we change to Marine Essence and gain a healthy skins!!

Becoming our Marine Essence Beauty Bar Agents today! 

010-408 2881

Monday, 8 April 2013

Girls Day Out

Salam and 안녕

What will girls usually do when they go for a day out??? 

SHOPPING of course!!!!

Who doesn't like to shop. If I have all the money in the world, I would shop till I drop. Hahahaha... Well, it's possible with GLAM. 

So my friend, Intan and I went to KLCC and Mid Valley last Saturday. Well, we really had so much fun. I bought some accessories and t-shirt for my dad. A belated birthday present. Hehehe... 


Both of us, camwhoring...

Some of the rings from Chameleon 

They are so beautiful but cheap too...

I'm in love with my new Owl ring *bling*

She was busy searching for a ring, I was busy selcaing

We had Nando's for our lunch. I really love the Peri Peri sauce, especially the extra Hot one. Hehehe...

I was super hungry at that time...

Yummm... delicious...

An unexpected tragedy happened when my shoe suddenly started to get off of the heel. I think the glue wasn't really strong enough. So I had to buy new shoes... Weeehoooo...

My awesome leopard print shoes...

I was so happy. Before we went back home, I bought my mum some Krispy Kreme. Hehehehehe... Unfortunately, the doughnuts were super sweet. I couldn't even finish a doughnut. So sad!

Hope next time I can hang out with my friends more often. I am really enjoying and living my life to the fullest right now. Thank you Allah for the opportunity. 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

♥ Marine Essence Beauty Bar ♥

Salam and 안녕

Hello peeps... if you have read my previous post, I have talked about this Daebak results after using Marine Essence Beauty Bar aka MEBB. Well, if you haven't read, you can read it here. So today I wanna share about this Amazing soap.

Some of you might have heard about the soap, some may not know at all. Well, this soap is usually known as Sabun Ketiak (Soap for Armpits/Underarms). Well because it is good to reduce the armpit's dark colour and promotes skin renewal. But, it is not only good for your armpits and body, it is also good for your face too. Wow!

Ok, these are some of the natural extracts that are used to make this soap.


Since this is a beauty bar, you can use it on your face (I mentioned it before). It’s packed with just the wonderful ingredients that your skin is probably screaming for. It’s got the usual ingredients for instance...

♥ Aloe Vera – super great for skin renewal

♥ Tea Tree Oil – got zit? use tea tree oil, especially treasured because of its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties

♥ Vitamin E – healing properties

♥ Glycerin – excellent skin moisturiser that attracts moisture from the atmosphere into the skin

…buttttttt what got me bug-eyed was when I saw the OTHER ingredients in this soap…

♥ Pheno-SFETM (Pu-erh Tea Extract - The Tea dubbed as one of China’s treasure? That’s in the soap? Pu-erh Tea extract is apparently recognised for its anti-oxidant and restorative properties thereby keeping the skin healthy and youthful looking

♥ Garam Buluh/Bamboo Salt – made from a special procedure , this ingredient is a rich source of essential minerals; food for the skin, with its anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory features.

♥ Liquorice extract – Reduces skin discolouration ( cerah ketiak, ingat?) , dark spots and lightens skin pigmentation.

Another adding point is it's not just to whitens your underarms and reduce pimples, it is also good for people who suffers with eczema, rashes, pimples, acne, blackhead, whiteheads, scars and so on...

These are some of the testimonials from me and my friends...

Gosh, look at the pimples... Urgh!!! 

My friend's dark circles have reduced...

So, wait no more. You can ring or PM me for trial now. Plus, it's not expensive at all compared to other skincare products. It lasts long and the smell is so nice. I really in LOVE with this products. Hehehe...

010-408 2881