Salam and 안녕
When I was a teenager, I don't really have any skin problems. Although I lived in an island (well, usually hot weather can cause skin problems like acne, sunburn and so on), my skin was so smooth. I rarely have pimples, only when I'm on my periods. However, ever since I moved from Labuan, my skin (esp my face) started to get worse and worse from day to day.
See, no skin problems (2005)
I can't figure out what's the main cause of this problem. Maybe my food contains a lot of artificial ingredients, hormones, chemical (that's why now I use Biozone Food Purifier in order to purify my food), or I have allergies (so far I don't think so) or maybe stress level is getting higher and higher. Whatever it is, my face doesn't look smooth like it used to be. That is so sad. Huuuu...
Finally, after I have been struggling with this problem, I found the solution. The solution is BB Plus from Hai-O Marketing.
What is BB Plus?
Well, BB Plus is actually a collagen drink. It provides bioavailable collagen peptides to replenish and re-build collagen networks, providing skin with appropriate elasticity, moisturization, strength and suppleness.
How does BB Plus works?
♥ Repair - promotes micro cleansing, replenishes collagen peptides to damage or weak collagen network.
♥ Rebuild - strengthens and protects collagen network through antioxidants.
♥ Renew - promotes growth and production of new collagen cells.
Reasons you need BB Plus.
♥ Effective dose - only one sachet (5g) daily for a youthful and flawless skin.
♥ High bioavailability of collagen peptides - hydrolysis process produces peptides (about 3000 Daltons in size) that are readily absorbed.
♥ Safe - low risk of contamination from mercury and radiation (imported from France). Toxin free.
♥ Extra antioxidant protection - blackcurrant juice contains anthocyanins to protect the face and body against UV & free radical damage.
♥ Anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory - grape seed extract with OPC (oligomeric proantho-cyanidins) reduces skin discomfort and promotes healing.
♥ Additional co-factors - vitamin C and roselle strengthen collagen network, protect collagen in dermis and promote synthesis.
♥ Enhances skin performance - apple fibre and inulin (dietary fibre) promotes skin clarity through detoxification.
♥ Extra benefit - fish collagen peptide is also a good source of Type 2 Collagen of which is being found to be predominant component of hyalin cartilage able to help suppress inflammatory caused by rheumatism and osteoarthritis.
♥ Better taste - better taste comes with blended, high quality 100% blackcurrant and roselle juice extract with fish collagen without fishy aftertaste.
♥ Sugar free and cholesterol free - natural sugar replacer with Low Glycemic Index are used to cater for people with diabetic and cardiovascular conditions.
7 Beauty Effects
♥ Radiant and brighter complexion
♥ Improves skin firmness and elasticity
♥ Promotes smoothness and suppleness
♥ Improves moisture content of skin
♥ Reduces visibility of fine lines and wrinkles
♥ Promotes healing and repair
♥ Reduces effect from sun damage
It is easy to make. Just add a sachet of BB Plus into 150ml water (cold or room temperature water only!). Stir well and consume immediately. Best taken before meal or before bedtime. Usually I will take it before bed. Hehehe...
A sachet of BB Plus
I am so happy that I finally find the best solution for my skin problem. I have been drinking BB Plus for almost a month and I can't wait to show my testimonial soon. So, there is no reason to look ugly anymore. Hehehe...
If you are interested to try BB Plus, or any other products (Premium Beautiful and Biozone Food Purifier), feel free to contact me.