Salam and 안녕
Penyakit kulit memamg snagat ditakuti oleh semua orang teruatama sekali wanita. Yelah, kulit semua orang boleh tengok especially muka. Body cun melecun tapi muka penuh dengan jerawat pon x best juga kn? Dah le jerawat bangak, bila jerawat dah kering, parut-parut jerawat pulak kacau. Huuu... Kan dah kurang jumlah duit hantaran. Hehehe...
Tak pon, muka dah elok jaga semua. Putih licin bak telur yang baru dikupas (ewah), TAPI.... bila tengok badan... speechless. Dengan tengkuk hitam, ketiak berkarat, celah kaki lebam, siku dan lutut tak sama warna dengan anggota lain... Terus hilang selera pasangan nak tengok. Silap-silap nanti ada yang cari lain. Hehehe... Ni bukan untuk perempuan je, lelaki pon sama juga. Huuu...
So macam mana nak hilang semua nie???
Haa... senang je. Dengan Marine Essence Beauty Bar la jawapan nye...
Sejak kebelakangan ini, Marine Essence bagai dilanda TSUNAMI. Jualan dari luar jangkaan, demand melebihi supply, uols!!!
Hebat bukan??? All this because Marine Essence Beauty Bar.
It so good to be true, I didn't know until I tried it. It works magically!
I'm a fan of those Korean products like Etude House, The Face Shop and so on..
Forget about those high end brand , maybe cuma wangi sahaja... but fungsi takde sangat. It didn't work with my skin. T_T
Marine Essence specially formulated with Glycerin, Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera , Pu-erh Tea, Liqourice Extract, Bamboo Salt and Vitamin E
With the price of RM105 for 3 bars is worth every penny!
It is suitable for EVERYBODY! Especially those with problematic skins, eczema, pimples, panau, jeragat... etc.
Get your Smooth and Soft Skin with just 1 Beauty Bar!!!



Dark Underarms... (eww...)

Tengkuk hitam...

My endless stocks...
Yesterday I went to the stockist to restock my Marine Essence stocks. Hehehe...
Other than that you still need to use soap to cleans right?
Why not we change to Marine Essence and gain a healthy skins!!
Becoming our Marine Essence Beauty Bar Agents today!
010-408 2881