Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Hanis' Tips - Eat Healthy Breakfast

Salam and hello dearies

Okay, this year I will start a new section for my personal tips, Hanis' Tips. Hmm basically most of the tips will come from me or adapted from other people. These tips serve as guidelines or extra info for all of you. Hehehe...

This year, one of my resolutions is to lose weight. So, one of the ways to lose weight is by eating healthy breakfast. I know Malaysia is known for the glorious food and it can be a challenge for a Malaysian like me to avoid our yummy food. BUT, if I don't change now, when am I going to lose weight? Hmmm...

Why do I need breakfast? 

"Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a prince; and dinner like a pauper"

Breakfast is important because it's the first meal that we take after our stomach has been fasting when we sleep. We also need energy in order to do our daily routines properly. So, if we don't take a proper breakfast, we will not have enough energy to run our life. Plus, if we skip breakfast, we will over-indulge during lunch and thus cause us to gain weight. Yikes!

What should I eat for breakfast?

The most important thing to keep in mind is not to take food that have many calories in the morning. Food like nasi lemak, roti canai, mi goreng and so on should be avoided due to high calories, oil (fats), sodium (salt & seasoning) and carbohydrates. Instead, we should take food that are high in protein and fiber like oats, eggs, milk and fruits. Food that contains high protein and fiber help to make us feel full longer. 


 Whole grain toast
 Fruits (green apples & oranges)
 Oat porridge

These are examples of high protein and fiber food that we should take during breakfast. However, we must not take more than we should. Another thing, don't ruin your healthy meal by adding sugar in it. Like if you're have toast, spread it with peanut butter instead of jam; or if you're having oatmeal, add dried fruits like raisins instead of sugar. Remember, sugar = calories!

Okay, I hope this tips will help you start your day. Remember, eat breakfast!

Till I write again!

Stay Fabulous.



1 comment:

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