Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Free Movie Pass!!!

Salam and hello dearies!

Do you remember that I once mentioned in my previous post (Ramadhan Day 1) something that has to do with Ben and Hafiz from Fly FM? Okay, so here's the story.

I was running late to work few weeks ago. Usually I go to work at 7.15 am and arrive right after the The End segment. But since I was late, the deejays already started their morning topic. The topic on that day was about World Spending Day (if I'm not mistaken). So, Ben asked the listeners what is the value of 174 trillion Zimbabwe dollar. I'd once read about the Zimbabwe dollar on 9gag so I was pretty confident that I can guess the value correctly.

Here's the Zimbabwe note

So they asked the listeners to call them and guess the value. Whoever gets the closest value will win free passes to watch Dark Place, starring Charlize Theron. I was so confident with my answer so I dialled their number while driving. Hehehe. I wasn't really expecting to go through the call but I DID it! Once again! OMG!!!

So I gave my answer which was a burger (worth RM15). The other caller guessed a pair of shoes (worth RM200). I was really confident that I get the correct answer. Turns out I was right! Woohoo!!! I FINALLY won something. I was so excited. Although I just won movie passes but it's something. Hehehe...

I was waiting for the passes to arrive first before I write this post. Hehehe. I finally received it last Saturday *wink**wink*

 The letter

The movie passed...

OMG, I really love Fly FM. Seriously, it's the BEST English radio station in Malaysia so far. I used to like Hitz FM but since they like to talk about football in the morning almost every day (yawn!), so I switched my channel. At least Fly FM talks about something funny in the morning (it usually help me to set up my mood).

Whatever it is, I will keep on calling them for more interesting games or competitions. Hihihi...

p/s ~ I still haven't use the passes yet. It's Ramadhan (T_T)
pp/s ~ I tried to put the movie trailer here twice but it didn't come out (waaaa...............)

Till I write again!

Stay Fabulous


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