Salam and hello dearies!
As an addicted shopaholic (it's a mental problem and I'm not proud of it), I have a lot of designer handbags that I bought online. All of my handbags are original and I really take the originality of my bags seriously. Most of my bags are still new and I even have the tags on my bags.
I'm wondering if I should make a pre-loved handbags sale. It's not like I don't love my bags, I need to clear the clutter in my room since I don't really have many places to store these bags. It's not like I have a walking wardrobe like Hollywood celebrities. I really love my bags. I have Coach, Kate Spade, Carlo Rino and Gucci. I know some of you may not think these handbags are glamour enough but who cares! I bought these handbags because I like the shape, colours, patterns but most importantly the practicality of the bags.
If let say there are many people who want to buy my pre-loved handbags with a good bargain, please comment on my post or email me. Don't worry, some of them are still new! This offer only applies until I managed to clear my room. Hehehe...
p/s ~ if there are many demands from my readers, I will make this pre-loved sale more interesting and worth your money! Hehehe
Till I write again!
Stay Fabulous
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